作者:GBNSY 时间:
Parker Auto's 2024 Model Year Production Timeline
Delivery Period Adjustments
- The delivery period for 2024 models is dynamically adjusted based on customer orders.
- For example, in November 2022, the delivery period was reduced to 46 weeks.
- Orders intended for 2022 models before December 9th may be delayed until the end of the month.
Impact of Production Extensions
- The extended delivery period for vehicles in the 2023 model year (e.g., 2023 Model Year) will affect customers.
- If a vehicle is not delivered by the scheduled time, it may be subject to penalties or other terms.
Delivery Period forWE Models
- The delivery period for WE models has been reduced from approximately 4-6 weeks (as of December 31, 2022).
- For customers without a dedicated manufacturing center, the process involves waiting until the vehicle is delivered via the factory's designated PDI (Print-in-Design) and payment processes.
Delivery Availability
- Customers can choose from multiple options: ordering directly, switching to a different model, or reserving their vehicle.
- The decision to order may be facilitated through platforms like Zappos.
Insurance Considerations
- For customers with insurance coverage, it is recommended to purchase the vehicle's insurance beforehand to avoid unexpected costs during delivery.
Customer Preparation
- Before ordering, ensure all necessary information about the vehicle and customer status (e.g.,赠 items) are confirmed.
- Inform sales staff using a provided contact list to help with the process.
Order Handling
- For orders placed before December 9th, customers can receive updates via email or phone.
- For more detailed instructions, reach out to Parker's customer service for assistance.
P保险 and Delivery Timeline
- The delivery timeline is subject to weather conditions and production delays, which may extend the time to order vehicle services.
- Customers should be prepared for additional travel times if these unforeseen circumstances occur.
3/9/2024 Notice
- On March 9, 2024 (Parker Auto's公告), affected customers who placed orders before this date will lose their vehicle and may receive a notice regarding the change in delivery dates.
- Customers are encouraged to review the official delivery schedule on the company website for updated information.
Summary: The production timeline for 2024 models is influenced by customer orders, including extended periods forWE vehicles. Proper preparation, insurance coverage, and timely communication with sales staff can minimize expectations of added delays during vehicle delivery.
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