作者:EONQK 时间:
cyclable rules for the law:
- Receiving and Compulsory报废: If a driver violates this law by driving an unrepaired vehicle or a vehicle that is in an unsuitable condition on the road, local authorities may seize the vehicle and require it to be removed from the road and subjected to forced报废.
- Length of Required Periods: Two-wheeler and three-wheeler vehicles have a mandatory period of 8-10 years for their报废. If a vehicle reaches this period prematurely without proper handling, penalties can include fines or even suspension of driving privileges.
Consequences of failure to comply:
- Incurring financial penalties: Violations may result in fines, warnings, or even criminal charges.
- Social and environmental risks: Without proper repair, vehicles may cause harm to other road users, posing safety risks for drivers and public safety.
- Drivers should inform authorities about their vehicle's condition before reaching a state of readiness. Failure to comply can lead to severe consequences, including legal penalties and potential social harm.